Durham Interchange

Written by Peter Matthews Associate Director

Providing a new Bus Station within the heart of Durham City Centre is just part of the challenge for this project. The development aims to improve pedestrian links to the nearby railway station and provide a gateway into the City Centre itself, promoting wider re-generation of the North Road area.

We are keen to rise to the design challenge by proposing a radical re-thinking of the vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the area. Re-alignment of North Road itself enables the construction of a new pedestrian plaza and greatly reduces the complexity of the pedestrian routes to and from the Railway Station and City Centre. Space for a new 12 stand bus facility is freed up by the removal of the existing A690 roundabout and the existing bus station site is released to facilitate an expansion of the city’s retail offer, which will bring new life and activity into the North Road area.


  • Transport & Infrastructure


Durham County Council


Durham, UK


The immediate proximity of grade I and II listed buildings, the listed railway viaduct and the presence of protected vistas to Durham Cathedral and Castle presented a further challenge in providing a modern transport facility which would fit comfortably within the historic context. The solution has been to provide a free-standing and modern facility which uses a carefully selected blend of traditional and modern materials. The use of Durham stone is combined with the warmth of sustainable glulam timber beams whilst the facility is flooded with light from a very contemporary ETFE roof. A truly modern response to provide sensitive development in a historic city.

“… the Panel applauds the radical approach taken to the principles of the solution.”

North East Design Review Enabling Service (NEDRES)

The Team

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